Merge helpers function from node, boost, python. (#2)
* setup boost helpers * add ci for pull requests * pester for ci * resolving issue with pester 5 * remove Output flag * check tests with 4 version * try common tests variant * added requires * move to 5 version * try to add assert module * fix scope * use new regex for python * fix regex in tests * Pester 4.10.1 * EnableExit * fix synopsys * fix creating tar archive Co-authored-by: Dmitry Shibanov <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Lobanov <>pull/4/head
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: Run tests
on: [pull_request]
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Install Pester
shell: pwsh
run: |
Install-Module Pester -Force -Scope CurrentUser -RequiredVersion 4.10.1
Install-Module Assert -Force -Scope CurrentUser
- name: Run tests
shell: pwsh
run: |
Import-Module Pester
Import-Module Assert
Invoke-Pester -EnableExit
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
param (
[string] $ToolName
if ($ToolName) {
$targetPath = Join-Path $targetPath $ToolName
if (Test-Path $targetPath) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetPath -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LinkType -eq "SymbolicLink" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Delete() }
Remove-Item -Path $targetPath -Recurse -Force
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Unpack *.tar file
function Extract-TarArchive {
Write-Debug "Extract $ArchivePath to $OutputDirectory"
tar -C $OutputDirectory -xzf $ArchivePath --strip 1
function Create-TarArchive {
[string]$CompressionType = "gz",
$arguments = @(
"-c", "--$CompressionType"
if ($DereferenceSymlinks) {
$arguments += "-h"
$arguments += @("-f", $ArchivePath, ".")
Push-Location $SourceFolder
Write-Debug "tar $arguments"
tar @arguments
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
Generate versions manifest based on repository releases
Versions manifest is needed to find the latest assets for particular version of tool
.PARAMETER GitHubRepositoryOwner
Required parameter. The organization which tool repository belongs
.PARAMETER GitHubRepositoryName
Optional parameter. The name of tool repository
.PARAMETER GitHubAccessToken
Required parameter. PAT Token to overcome GitHub API Rate limit
Required parameter. File "*.json" where generated results will be saved
.PARAMETER PlatformMapFile
Optional parameter. Path to the json file with platform map
Structure example:
"macos-1014": [
"platform": "darwin",
"platform_version": "10.14"
}, ...
], ...
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubRepositoryOwner,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubRepositoryName,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubAccessToken,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $OutputFile,
[string] $PlatformMapFile
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../github/github-api.psm1")
if ($PlatformMapFile -and (Test-Path $PlatformMapFile)) {
$PlatformMap = Get-Content $PlatformMapFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
} else {
$PlatformMap = @{}
function New-AssetItem {
param (
$asset = New-Object PSObject
$asset | Add-Member -Name "filename" -Value $Filename -MemberType NoteProperty
$asset | Add-Member -Name "arch" -Value $Arch -MemberType NoteProperty
$asset | Add-Member -Name "platform" -Value $Platform -MemberType NoteProperty
if ($PlatformVersion) { $asset | Add-Member -Name "platform_version" -Value $PlatformVersion -MemberType NoteProperty }
$asset | Add-Member -Name "download_url" -Value $DownloadUrl -MemberType NoteProperty
return $asset
function Build-AssetsList {
param (
$assets = @()
foreach($releaseAsset in $ReleaseAssets) {
$parts = [IO.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($"-")
$arch = $parts[-1]
$buildPlatform = [string]::Join("-", $parts[2..($parts.Length-2)])
if ($PlatformMap[$buildPlatform]) {
$PlatformMap[$buildPlatform] | ForEach-Object {
$assets += New-AssetItem -Filename $ `
-DownloadUrl $releaseAsset.browser_download_url `
-Arch $arch `
-Platform $_.platform `
-PlatformVersion $_.platform_version
} else {
$assets += New-AssetItem -Filename $ `
-DownloadUrl $releaseAsset.browser_download_url `
-Arch $arch `
-Platform $buildPlatform
return $assets
function Get-VersionFromRelease {
param (
# Release name can contain additional information after ':' so filter it
[string]$releaseName = $':')[0]
[Version]$version = $null
if (![Version]::TryParse($releaseName, [ref]$version)) {
throw "Release '$($' has invalid title '$($'. It can't be parsed as version. ( $($Release.html_url) )"
return $version
function Build-VersionsManifest {
param (
$Releases = $Releases | Sort-Object -Property "published_at" -Descending
$versionsHash = @{}
foreach ($release in $Releases) {
if (($release.draft -eq $true) -or ($release.prerelease -eq $true)) {
[Version]$version = Get-VersionFromRelease $release
$versionKey = $version.ToString()
if ($versionsHash.ContainsKey($versionKey)) {
$versionsHash.Add($versionKey, [PSCustomObject]@{
version = $versionKey
stable = $true
release_url = $release.html_url
files = Build-AssetsList $release.assets
# Sort versions by descending
return $versionsHash.Values | Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [Version]$_.version }; Descending = $true }
$gitHubApi = Get-GitHubApi -AccountName $GitHubRepositoryOwner -ProjectName $GitHubRepositoryName -AccessToken $GitHubAccessToken
$releases = $gitHubApi.GetGitHubReleases()
$versionIndex = Build-VersionsManifest $releases
$versionIndex | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8 -Force
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Generate versions manifest based on repository releases
Versions manifest is needed to find the latest assets for particular version of tool
.PARAMETER GitHubRepositoryOwner
Required parameter. The organization which tool repository belongs
.PARAMETER GitHubRepositoryName
Required parameter. The name of tool repository
.PARAMETER GitHubAccessToken
Required parameter. PAT Token to overcome GitHub API Rate limit
Required parameter. File "*.json" where generated results will be saved
.PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
Path to the json file with parsing configuration
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubRepositoryOwner,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubRepositoryName,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GitHubAccessToken,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $OutputFile,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ConfigurationFile
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../github/github-api.psm1")
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "manifest-utils.psm1") -Force
$configuration = Read-ConfigurationFile -Filepath $ConfigurationFile
$gitHubApi = Get-GitHubApi -AccountName $GitHubRepositoryOwner -ProjectName $GitHubRepositoryName -AccessToken $GitHubAccessToken
$releases = $gitHubApi.GetReleases()
$versionIndex = Build-VersionsManifest -Releases $releases -Configuration $configuration
$versionIndex | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding UTF8NoBOM -Force
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#Requires -Modules Pester
#Requires -Modules Assert
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "manifest-utils.psm1") -Force
Describe "New-AssetItem" {
It "use regex to parse all values in correct order" {
$githubAsset = @{ name = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; browser_download_url = "long_url"; }
$configuration = @{
regex = "python-\d+\.\d+\.\d+-(\w+)-([\w\.]+)?-?(x\d+)";
groups = [PSCustomObject]@{ platform = 1; platform_version = 2; arch = 3; };
$expectedOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{
filename = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; platform = "linux"; platform_version = "16.04";
arch = "x64"; download_url = "long_url";
$actualOutput = New-AssetItem -ReleaseAsset $githubAsset -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualOutput -Expected $expectedOutput
It "support constant values in groups" {
$githubAsset = @{ name = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; browser_download_url = "long_url"; }
$configuration = @{
regex = "python-\d+\.\d+\.\d+-(\w+)-([\w\.]+)?-?(x\d+)";
groups = [PSCustomObject]@{ platform = 1; platform_version = 2; arch = "x64"; }
$expectedOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{
filename = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; platform = "linux"; platform_version = "16.04";
arch = "x64"; download_url = "long_url";
$actualOutput = New-AssetItem -ReleaseAsset $githubAsset -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualOutput -Expected $expectedOutput
It "Skip empty groups" {
$githubAsset = @{ name = ""; browser_download_url = "long_url"; }
$configuration = @{
regex = "python-\d+\.\d+\.\d+-(\w+)-([\w\.]+)?-?(x\d+)";
groups = [PSCustomObject]@{ platform = 1; platform_version = 2; arch = 3; }
$expectedOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{
filename = ""; platform = "win32";
arch = "x64"; download_url = "long_url";
$actualOutput = New-AssetItem -ReleaseAsset $githubAsset -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualOutput -Expected $expectedOutput
Describe "Get-VersionFromRelease" {
It "clear version" {
$release = @{ name = "3.8.3" }
Get-VersionFromRelease -Release $release | Should -Be "3.8.3"
It "version with title" {
$release = @{ name = "3.8.3: Release title" }
Get-VersionFromRelease -Release $release | Should -Be "3.8.3"
Describe "Build-VersionsManifest" {
$assets = @(
@{ name = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; browser_download_url = "fake_url"; }
@{ name = "python-3.8.3-linux-18.04-x64.tar.gz"; browser_download_url = "fake_url"; }
$configuration = @{
regex = "python-\d+\.\d+\.\d+-(\w+)-([\w\.]+)?-?(x\d+)";
groups = [PSCustomObject]@{ platform = 1; platform_version = 2; arch = "x64"; }
$expectedManifestFiles = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ filename = "python-3.8.3-linux-16.04-x64.tar.gz"; arch = "x64"; platform = "linux"; platform_version = "16.04"; download_url = "fake_url" },
[PSCustomObject]@{ filename = "python-3.8.3-linux-18.04-x64.tar.gz"; arch = "x64"; platform = "linux"; platform_version = "18.04"; download_url = "fake_url" }
It "build manifest with correct version order" {
$releases = @(
@{ name = "3.8.1"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-14T09:54:06Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.5.2: Hello"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:45:36Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.8.3: Release title"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:43:38Z"; assets = $assets }
$expectedManifest = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ version = "3.8.3"; stable = $true; release_url = "fake_html_url"; files = $expectedManifestFiles },
[PSCustomObject]@{ version = "3.8.1"; stable = $true; release_url = "fake_html_url"; files = $expectedManifestFiles },
[PSCustomObject]@{ version = "3.5.2"; stable = $true; release_url = "fake_html_url"; files = $expectedManifestFiles }
$actualManifest = Build-VersionsManifest -Releases $releases -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualManifest -Expected $expectedManifest
It "Skip draft and prerelease" {
$releases = @(
@{ name = "3.8.1"; draft = $true; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-14T09:54:06Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.5.2"; draft = $false; prerelease = $true; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:45:36Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.8.3"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:43:38Z"; assets = $assets }
$expectedManifest = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ version = "3.8.3"; stable = $true; release_url = "fake_html_url"; files = $expectedManifestFiles }
[array]$actualManifest = Build-VersionsManifest -Releases $releases -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualManifest -Expected $expectedManifest
It "take latest published release for each version" {
$releases = @(
@{ name = "3.8.1"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url1"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:45:36Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.8.1"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url2"; published_at = "2020-05-14T09:54:06Z"; assets = $assets },
@{ name = "3.8.1"; draft = $false; prerelease = $false; html_url = "fake_html_url3"; published_at = "2020-05-06T11:43:38Z"; assets = $assets }
$expectedManifest = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ version = "3.8.1"; stable = $true; release_url = "fake_html_url2"; files = $expectedManifestFiles }
[array]$actualManifest = Build-VersionsManifest -Releases $releases -Configuration $configuration
Assert-Equivalent -Actual $actualManifest -Expected $expectedManifest
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function Read-ConfigurationFile {
param ([Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Filepath)
return Get-Content $Filepath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
function New-AssetItem {
param (
$regexResult = [regex]::Match($, $Configuration.regex)
if (-not $regexResult.Success) { throw "Can't match asset filename '$($' to regex" }
$result = New-Object PSObject
$result | Add-Member -Name "filename" -Value $ -MemberType NoteProperty
$Configuration.groups.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.Value).GetType().Name.StartsWith("Int")) {
$value = $regexResult.Groups[$_.Value].Value
} else {
$value = $_.Value
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))) {
$result | Add-Member -Name $_.Name -Value $value -MemberType NoteProperty
$result | Add-Member -Name "download_url" -Value $ReleaseAsset.browser_download_url -MemberType NoteProperty
return $result
function Get-VersionFromRelease {
param (
# Release name can contain additional information after ':' so filter it
[string]$releaseName = $':')[0]
[Version]$version = $null
if (![Version]::TryParse($releaseName, [ref]$version)) {
throw "Release '$($' has invalid title '$($'. It can't be parsed as version. ( $($Release.html_url) )"
return $version
function Build-VersionsManifest {
param (
$Releases = $Releases | Sort-Object -Property "published_at" -Descending
$versionsHash = @{}
foreach ($release in $Releases) {
if (($release.draft -eq $true) -or ($release.prerelease -eq $true)) {
[Version]$version = Get-VersionFromRelease $release
$versionKey = $version.ToString()
if ($versionsHash.ContainsKey($versionKey)) {
$versionsHash.Add($versionKey, [PSCustomObject]@{
version = $versionKey
stable = $true
release_url = $release.html_url
files = $release.assets | ForEach-Object { New-AssetItem -ReleaseAsset $_ -Configuration $Configuration }
# Sort versions by descending
return $versionsHash.Values | Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [Version]$_.version }; Descending = $true }
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Pack folder to *.zip format
function Pack-Zip {
Write-Debug "Pack $PathToArchive to $ToolZipFile"
Push-Location -Path $PathToArchive
zip -q -r $ToolZipFile * | Out-Null
Unpack *.tar file
function Unpack-TarArchive {
Write-Debug "Unpack $ArchivePath to $OutputDirectory"
tar -C $OutputDirectory -xzf $ArchivePath
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Unpack *.7z file
function Extract-SevenZipArchive {
Write-Debug "Extract $ArchivePath to $OutputDirectory"
7z x $ArchivePath -o"$OutputDirectory" -y | Out-Null
function Create-SevenZipArchive {
[String]$ArchiveType = "zip",
[String]$CompressionLevel = 5,
$ArchiveTypeArguments = @(
if ($IncludeSymlinks) {
$ArchiveTypeArguments += "-snl"
Push-Location $SourceFolder
Write-Debug "7z a $ArchiveTypeArgument $ArchivePath @$SourceFolder"
7z a @ArchiveTypeArguments $ArchivePath $SourceFolder\*
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Visual Studio helper functions
function Get-VSWhere {
$vswhere = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe";
if (-not (Test-Path $vswhere )) {
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$vswhere = ".\vswhere.exe"
$vswhereApiUri = ""
$tag = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $vswhereApiUri)[0].tag_name
$vswhereUri = "$tag/vswhere.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vswhereUri -OutFile $vswhere | Out-Null
return $vswhere
function Invoke-Environment
& "${env:COMSPEC}" /s /c "`"$Command`" -no_logo && set" | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^([^=]+)=(.*)') {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($matches[1], $matches[2])
function Get-VSInstallationPath {
$vswhere = Get-VSWhere
$installationPath = & $vswhere -prerelease -legacy -latest -property installationPath
return $installationPath
function Invoke-VSDevEnvironment {
Write-Host "Invoke-VSDevEnvironment had been invoked"
$installationPath = Get-VSInstallationPath
$envFilepath = Join-Path $installationPath "Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat"
Invoke-Environment -Command $envFilepath
Reference in New Issue