@ -4838,7 +4838,7 @@ class GitCommandManager {
config(configKey, configValue) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this.execGit(['config', configKey, configValue]);
yield this.execGit(['config', '--local', configKey, configValue]);
configExists(configKey) {
@ -4846,7 +4846,7 @@ class GitCommandManager {
const pattern = configKey.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, x => {
return `\\${x}`;
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--name-only', '--get-regexp', pattern], true);
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--local', '--name-only', '--get-regexp', pattern], true);
return output.exitCode === 0;
@ -4932,19 +4932,19 @@ class GitCommandManager {
tryConfigUnset(configKey) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--unset-all', configKey], true);
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--local', '--unset-all', configKey], true);
return output.exitCode === 0;
tryDisableAutomaticGarbageCollection() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', 'gc.auto', '0'], true);
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--local', 'gc.auto', '0'], true);
return output.exitCode === 0;
tryGetFetchUrl() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], true);
const output = yield this.execGit(['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], true);
if (output.exitCode !== 0) {
return '';
@ -5121,7 +5121,7 @@ function getSource(settings) {
// Downloading using REST API
core.info(`The repository will be downloaded using the GitHub REST API`);
core.info(`To create a local Git repository instead, add Git ${gitCommandManager.MinimumGitVersion} or higher to the PATH`);
yield githubApiHelper.downloadRepository(settings.accessToken, settings.repositoryOwner, settings.repositoryName, settings.ref, settings.commit, settings.repositoryPath);
yield githubApiHelper.downloadRepository(settings.authToken, settings.repositoryOwner, settings.repositoryName, settings.ref, settings.commit, settings.repositoryPath);
else {
// Save state for POST action
@ -5137,30 +5137,34 @@ function getSource(settings) {
// Remove possible previous extraheader
yield removeGitConfig(git, authConfigKey);
// Add extraheader (auth)
const base64Credentials = Buffer.from(`x-access-token:${settings.accessToken}`, 'utf8').toString('base64');
const authConfigValue = `AUTHORIZATION: basic ${base64Credentials}`;
yield git.config(authConfigKey, authConfigValue);
// LFS install
if (settings.lfs) {
yield git.lfsInstall();
// Fetch
const refSpec = refHelper.getRefSpec(settings.ref, settings.commit);
yield git.fetch(settings.fetchDepth, refSpec);
// Checkout info
const checkoutInfo = yield refHelper.getCheckoutInfo(git, settings.ref, settings.commit);
// LFS fetch
// Explicit lfs-fetch to avoid slow checkout (fetches one lfs object at a time).
// Explicit lfs fetch will fetch lfs objects in parallel.
if (settings.lfs) {
yield git.lfsFetch(checkoutInfo.startPoint || checkoutInfo.ref);
try {
// Config auth token
yield configureAuthToken(git, settings.authToken);
// LFS install
if (settings.lfs) {
yield git.lfsInstall();
// Fetch
const refSpec = refHelper.getRefSpec(settings.ref, settings.commit);
yield git.fetch(settings.fetchDepth, refSpec);
// Checkout info
const checkoutInfo = yield refHelper.getCheckoutInfo(git, settings.ref, settings.commit);
// LFS fetch
// Explicit lfs-fetch to avoid slow checkout (fetches one lfs object at a time).
// Explicit lfs fetch will fetch lfs objects in parallel.
if (settings.lfs) {
yield git.lfsFetch(checkoutInfo.startPoint || checkoutInfo.ref);
// Checkout
yield git.checkout(checkoutInfo.ref, checkoutInfo.startPoint);
// Dump some info about the checked out commit
yield git.log1();
finally {
if (!settings.persistCredentials) {
yield removeGitConfig(git, authConfigKey);
// Checkout
yield git.checkout(checkoutInfo.ref, checkoutInfo.startPoint);
// Dump some info about the checked out commit
yield git.log1();
@ -5265,23 +5269,21 @@ function prepareExistingDirectory(git, repositoryPath, repositoryUrl, clean) {
function configureAuthToken(git, authToken) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// Add extraheader (auth)
const base64Credentials = Buffer.from(`x-access-token:${authToken}`, 'utf8').toString('base64');
const authConfigValue = `AUTHORIZATION: basic ${base64Credentials}`;
yield git.config(authConfigKey, authConfigValue);
function removeGitConfig(git, configKey) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if ((yield git.configExists(configKey)) &&
!(yield git.tryConfigUnset(configKey))) {
// Load the config contents
core.warning(`Failed to remove '${configKey}' from the git config. Attempting to remove the config value by editing the file directly.`);
const configPath = path.join(git.getWorkingDirectory(), '.git', 'config');
let contents = fs.readFileSync(configPath).toString() || '';
// Filter - only includes lines that do not contain the config key
const upperConfigKey = configKey.toUpperCase();
const split = contents
.filter(x => !x.toUpperCase().includes(upperConfigKey));
contents = split.join('\n');
// Rewrite the config file
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, contents);
core.warning(`Failed to remove '${configKey}' from the git config`);
@ -8403,12 +8405,12 @@ const retryHelper = __importStar(__webpack_require__(587));
const toolCache = __importStar(__webpack_require__(533));
const v4_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__(826));
const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
function downloadRepository(accessToken, owner, repo, ref, commit, repositoryPath) {
function downloadRepository(authToken, owner, repo, ref, commit, repositoryPath) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// Download the archive
let archiveData = yield retryHelper.execute(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
core.info('Downloading the archive');
return yield downloadArchive(accessToken, owner, repo, ref, commit);
return yield downloadArchive(authToken, owner, repo, ref, commit);
// Write archive to disk
core.info('Writing archive to disk');
@ -8449,9 +8451,9 @@ function downloadRepository(accessToken, owner, repo, ref, commit, repositoryPat
exports.downloadRepository = downloadRepository;
function downloadArchive(accessToken, owner, repo, ref, commit) {
function downloadArchive(authToken, owner, repo, ref, commit) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const octokit = new github.GitHub(accessToken);
const octokit = new github.GitHub(authToken);
const params = {
owner: owner,
repo: repo,
@ -12764,8 +12766,11 @@ function getInputs() {
// LFS
result.lfs = (core.getInput('lfs') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE';
core.debug(`lfs = ${result.lfs}`);
// Access token
result.accessToken = core.getInput('token');
// Auth token
result.authToken = core.getInput('token');
// Persist credentials
result.persistCredentials =
(core.getInput('persist-credentials') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE';
return result;
exports.getInputs = getInputs;