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import importlib
import inspect
import times
from collections import namedtuple
from uuid import uuid4
from cPickle import loads, dumps, UnpicklingError
from .local import LocalStack
from .connections import resolve_connection
from .exceptions import UnpickleError, NoSuchJobError
def enum(name, *sequential, **named):
values = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
return type(name, (), values)
Status = enum('Status', QUEUED='queued', FINISHED='finished', FAILED='failed',
def unpickle(pickled_string):
"""Unpickles a string, but raises a unified UnpickleError in case anything
This is a helper method to not have to deal with the fact that `loads()`
potentially raises many types of exceptions (e.g. AttributeError,
IndexError, TypeError, KeyError, etc.)
obj = loads(pickled_string)
except (StandardError, UnpicklingError):
raise UnpickleError('Could not unpickle.', pickled_string)
return obj
def cancel_job(job_id, connection=None):
"""Cancels the job with the given job ID, preventing execution. Discards
any job info (i.e. it can't be requeued later).
Job(job_id, connection=connection).cancel()
def requeue_job(job_id, connection=None):
"""Requeues the job with the given job ID. The job ID should refer to
a failed job (i.e. it should be on the failed queue). If no such (failed)
job exists, a NoSuchJobError is raised.
from .queue import get_failed_queue
fq = get_failed_queue(connection=connection)
def get_current_job():
"""Returns the Job instance that is currently being executed. If this
function is invoked from outside a job context, None is returned.
job_id = _job_stack.top
if job_id is None:
return None
return Job.fetch(job_id)
class Job(object):
"""A Job is just a convenient datastructure to pass around job (meta) data.
# Job construction
def create(cls, func, args=None, kwargs=None, connection=None,
result_ttl=None, status=None):
"""Creates a new Job instance for the given function, arguments, and
keyword arguments.
if args is None:
args = ()
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
assert isinstance(args, tuple), '%r is not a valid args list.' % (args,)
assert isinstance(kwargs, dict), '%r is not a valid kwargs dict.' % (kwargs,)
job = cls(connection=connection)
if inspect.ismethod(func):
job._instance = func.im_self
job._func_name = func.__name__
elif inspect.isfunction(func):
job._func_name = '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, func.__name__)
else: # we expect a string
job._func_name = func
job._args = args
job._kwargs = kwargs
job.description = job.get_call_string()
job.result_ttl = result_ttl
job._status = status
return job
def func_name(self):
return self._func_name
def _get_status(self):
self._status = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'status')
return self._status
def _set_status(self, status):
self._status = status
self.connection.hset(self.key, 'status', self._status)
status = property(_get_status, _set_status)
def is_finished(self):
return self.status == Status.FINISHED
def is_queued(self):
return self.status == Status.QUEUED
def is_failed(self):
return self.status == Status.FAILED
def is_started(self):
return self.status == Status.STARTED
def func(self):
func_name = self.func_name
if func_name is None:
return None
if self.instance:
return getattr(self.instance, func_name)
module_name, func_name = func_name.rsplit('.', 1)
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
return getattr(module, func_name)
def instance(self):
return self._instance
def args(self):
return self._args
def kwargs(self):
return self._kwargs
def exists(cls, job_id, connection=None):
"""Returns whether a job hash exists for the given job ID."""
conn = resolve_connection(connection)
return conn.exists(cls.key_for(job_id))
def fetch(cls, id, connection=None):
"""Fetches a persisted job from its corresponding Redis key and
instantiates it.
job = cls(id, connection=connection)
return job
def safe_fetch(cls, id, connection=None):
"""Fetches a persisted job from its corresponding Redis key, but does
not instantiate it, making it impossible to get UnpickleErrors.
job = cls(id, connection=connection)
return job
def __init__(self, id=None, connection=None):
self.connection = resolve_connection(connection)
self._id = id
self.created_at = times.now()
self._func_name = None
self._instance = None
self._args = None
self._kwargs = None
self.description = None
self.origin = None
self.enqueued_at = None
self.ended_at = None
self._result = None
self.exc_info = None
self.timeout = None
self.result_ttl = None
self._status = None
self.meta = {}
# Data access
def get_id(self): # noqa
"""The job ID for this job instance. Generates an ID lazily the
first time the ID is requested.
if self._id is None:
self._id = unicode(uuid4())
return self._id
def set_id(self, value):
"""Sets a job ID for the given job."""
self._id = value
id = property(get_id, set_id)
def key_for(cls, job_id):
"""The Redis key that is used to store job hash under."""
return 'rq:job:%s' % (job_id,)
def key(self):
"""The Redis key that is used to store job hash under."""
return self.key_for(self.id)
@property # noqa
def job_tuple(self):
"""Returns the job tuple that encodes the actual function call that
this job represents."""
return (self.func_name, self.instance, self.args, self.kwargs)
def result(self):
"""Returns the return value of the job.
Initially, right after enqueueing a job, the return value will be
None. But when the job has been executed, and had a return value or
exception, this will return that value or exception.
Note that, when the job has no return value (i.e. returns None), the
ReadOnlyJob object is useless, as the result won't be written back to
Also note that you cannot draw the conclusion that a job has _not_
been executed when its return value is None, since return values
written back to Redis will expire after a given amount of time (500
seconds by default).
if self._result is None:
rv = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'result')
if rv is not None:
# cache the result
self._result = loads(rv)
return self._result
"""Backwards-compatibility accessor property `return_value`."""
return_value = result
# Persistence
def refresh(self, safe=False): # noqa
"""Overwrite the current instance's properties with the values in the
corresponding Redis key.
Will raise a NoSuchJobError if no corresponding Redis key exists.
key = self.key
obj = self.connection.hgetall(key)
if not obj:
raise NoSuchJobError('No such job: %s' % (key,))
def to_date(date_str):
if date_str is None:
return None
return times.to_universal(date_str)
self.data = obj.get('data')
self._func_name, self._instance, self._args, self._kwargs = unpickle(self.data)
except UnpickleError:
if not safe:
self.created_at = to_date(obj.get('created_at'))
self.origin = obj.get('origin')
self.description = obj.get('description')
self.enqueued_at = to_date(obj.get('enqueued_at'))
self.ended_at = to_date(obj.get('ended_at'))
self._result = unpickle(obj.get('result')) if obj.get('result') else None # noqa
self.exc_info = obj.get('exc_info')
self.timeout = int(obj.get('timeout')) if obj.get('timeout') else None
self.result_ttl = int(obj.get('result_ttl')) if obj.get('result_ttl') else None # noqa
self._status = obj.get('status') if obj.get('status') else None
self.meta = unpickle(obj.get('meta')) if obj.get('meta') else {}
def save(self):
"""Persists the current job instance to its corresponding Redis key."""
key = self.key
obj = {}
obj['created_at'] = times.format(self.created_at, 'UTC')
if self.func_name is not None:
obj['data'] = dumps(self.job_tuple)
if self.origin is not None:
obj['origin'] = self.origin
if self.description is not None:
obj['description'] = self.description
if self.enqueued_at is not None:
obj['enqueued_at'] = times.format(self.enqueued_at, 'UTC')
if self.ended_at is not None:
obj['ended_at'] = times.format(self.ended_at, 'UTC')
if self._result is not None:
obj['result'] = dumps(self._result)
if self.exc_info is not None:
obj['exc_info'] = self.exc_info
if self.timeout is not None:
obj['timeout'] = self.timeout
if self.result_ttl is not None:
obj['result_ttl'] = self.result_ttl
if self._status is not None:
obj['status'] = self._status
if self.meta:
obj['meta'] = dumps(self.meta)
self.connection.hmset(key, obj)
def cancel(self):
"""Cancels the given job, which will prevent the job from ever being
ran (or inspected).
This method merely exists as a high-level API call to cancel jobs
without worrying about the internals required to implement job
cancellation. Technically, this call is (currently) the same as just
deleting the job hash.
def delete(self):
"""Deletes the job hash from Redis."""
# Job execution
def perform(self): # noqa
"""Invokes the job function with the job arguments."""
self._result = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
assert self.id == _job_stack.pop()
return self._result
# Representation
def get_call_string(self): # noqa
"""Returns a string representation of the call, formatted as a regular
Python function invocation statement.
if self.func_name is None:
return None
arg_list = [repr(arg) for arg in self.args]
arg_list += ['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()]
args = ', '.join(arg_list)
return '%s(%s)' % (self.func_name, args)
def __str__(self):
return '<Job %s: %s>' % (self.id, self.description)
# Job equality
def __eq__(self, other): # noqa
return self.id == other.id
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.id)
# Backwards compatibility for custom properties
def __getattr__(self, name): # noqa
import warnings
"Getting custom properties from the job instance directly "
"will be unsupported as of RQ 0.4. Please use the meta dict "
"to store all custom variables. So instead of this:\n\n"
"Use this:\n\n"
return self.__dict__['meta'][name] # avoid recursion
except KeyError:
return getattr(super(Job, self), name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
# Ignore the "private" fields
private_attrs = set(['origin', '_func_name', 'ended_at',
'description', '_args', 'created_at', 'enqueued_at', 'connection',
'_result', 'result', 'timeout', '_kwargs', 'exc_info', '_id',
'data', '_instance', 'result_ttl', '_status', 'status', 'meta'])
if name in private_attrs:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
import warnings
"Setting custom properties on the job instance directly will "
"be unsupported as of RQ 0.4. Please use the meta dict to "
"store all custom variables. So instead of this:\n\n"
"\tjob.foo = 'bar'\n\n"
"Use this:\n\n"
"\tjob.meta['foo'] = 'bar'\n",
self.__dict__['meta'][name] = value
_job_stack = LocalStack()