""" rq is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and processing them. """ from setuptools import Command, setup setup( name='rq', version='0.1-dev', url='https://github.com/nvie/rq/', license='BSD', author='Vincent Driessen', author_email='vincent@3rdcloud.com', description='rq is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background ' 'jobs, and processing them.', long_description=__doc__, packages=['rq'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, platforms='any', install_requires=['redis', 'logbook'], scripts=['bin/rqinfo', 'bin/rqworker'], classifiers=[ # As from http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules' ] )