@ -70,9 +70,38 @@ class TestScheduledJobRegistry(RQTestCase):
# If we pass in a datetime with no timezone, `schedule()`
# assumes local timezone so depending on your local timezone,
# the timestamp maybe different
registry . schedule ( job , datetime ( 2019 , 1 , 1 ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . testconn . zscore ( registry . key , job . id ) ,
1546300800 + time . timezone ) # 2019-01-01 UTC in Unix timestamp
# we need to account for the difference between a timezone
# with DST active and without DST active. The time.timezone
# property isn't accurate when time.daylight is non-zero,
# we'll test both.
# first, time.daylight == 0 (not in DST).
# mock the sitatuoin for American/New_York not in DST (UTC - 5)
# time.timezone = 18000
# time.daylight = 0
# time.altzone = 14400
mock_day = mock . patch ( ' time.daylight ' , 0 )
mock_tz = mock . patch ( ' time.timezone ' , 18000 )
mock_atz = mock . patch ( ' time.altzone ' , 14400 )
with mock_tz , mock_day , mock_atz :
registry . schedule ( job , datetime ( 2019 , 1 , 1 ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . testconn . zscore ( registry . key , job . id ) ,
1546300800 + 18000 ) # 2019-01-01 UTC in Unix timestamp
# second, time.daylight != 0 (in DST)
# mock the sitatuoin for American/New_York not in DST (UTC - 4)
# time.timezone = 18000
# time.daylight = 1
# time.altzone = 14400
mock_day = mock . patch ( ' time.daylight ' , 1 )
mock_tz = mock . patch ( ' time.timezone ' , 18000 )
mock_atz = mock . patch ( ' time.altzone ' , 14400 )
with mock_tz , mock_day , mock_atz :
registry . schedule ( job , datetime ( 2019 , 1 , 1 ) )
self . assertEqual ( self . testconn . zscore ( registry . key , job . id ) ,
1546300800 + 14400 ) # 2019-01-01 UTC in Unix timestamp
# Score is always stored in UTC even if datetime is in a different tz
tz = timezone ( timedelta ( hours = 7 ) )
@ -99,8 +128,8 @@ class TestScheduler(RQTestCase):
self . assertTrue ( scheduler . should_reacquire_locks )
scheduler . acquire_locks ( )
self . assertIsNotNone ( scheduler . lock_acquisition_time )
# scheduler.should_reacquire_locks always returns False if
# scheduler.should_reacquire_locks always returns False if
# scheduler.acquired_locks and scheduler._queue_names are the same
self . assertFalse ( scheduler . should_reacquire_locks )
scheduler . lock_acquisition_time = datetime . now ( ) - timedelta ( minutes = 16 )
@ -251,7 +280,7 @@ class TestWorker(RQTestCase):
p . start ( )
queue . enqueue_at ( datetime ( 2019 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = utc ) , say_hello )
worker . work ( burst = False , with_scheduler = True )
worker . work ( burst = False , with_scheduler = True )
p . join ( 1 )
self . assertIsNotNone ( worker . scheduler )
registry = FinishedJobRegistry ( queue = queue )