@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ def info(url, config, path, interval, raw, only_queues, only_workers, by_queue,
@click.option('--exception-handler', help='Exception handler(s) to use', multiple=True)
@click.option('--pid', help='Write the process ID number to a file at the specified path')
@click.argument('queues', nargs=-1)
def worker(url, config, burst, name, worker_class, job_class, queue_class, connection_class, path, results_ttl, worker_ttl,
verbose, quiet, sentry_dsn, exception_handler, pid, queues):
def worker(url, config, burst, name, worker_class, job_class, queue_class, connection_class, path, results_ttl,
worker_ttl, verbose, quiet, sentry_dsn, exception_handler, pid, queues):
"""Starts an RQ worker."""
if path: