Edit jobs doc for clarity (#1136)

* add section "Job Creation" to jobs doc

* edit jobs doc for clarity
joncros 5 years ago committed by Selwin Ong
parent ed15b9e031
commit 5328a6252b

@ -8,7 +8,81 @@ instance from within the job function itself. Or to store arbitrary data on
## Retrieving Job from Redis
## Job Creation
When you enqueue a function, the job will be returned. You may then access the
id property, which can later be used to retrieve the job.
from rq import Queue
from redis import Redis
from somewhere import count_words_at_url
redis_conn = Redis()
q = Queue(connection=redis_conn) # no args implies the default queue
# Delay execution of count_words_at_url('http://nvie.com')
job = q.enqueue(count_words_at_url, 'http://nvie.com')
print('Job id: %s' % job.id)
Or if you want a predetermined job id, you may specify it when creating the job.
job = q.enqueue(count_words_at_url, 'http://nvie.com', job_id='my_job_id')
A job can also be created directly with `Job.create()`.
from rq.job import Job
job = Job.create(count_words_at_url, 'http://nvie.com')
print('Job id: %s' % job.id)
# create a job with a predetermined id
job = Job.create(count_words_at url, 'http://nvie.com', id='my_job_id')
The keyword arguments accepted by `create()` are:
* `timeout` specifies the maximum runtime of the job before it's interrupted
and marked as `failed`. Its default unit is seconds and it can be an integer
or a string representing an integer(e.g. `2`, `'2'`). Furthermore, it can
be a string with specify unit including hour, minute, second
(e.g. `'1h'`, `'3m'`, `'5s'`).
* `result_ttl` specifies how long (in seconds) successful jobs and their
results are kept. Expired jobs will be automatically deleted. Defaults to 500 seconds.
* `ttl` specifies the maximum queued time (in seconds) of the job before it's discarded.
This argument defaults to `None` (infinite TTL).
* `failure_ttl` specifies how long (in seconds) failed jobs are kept (defaults to 1 year)
* `depends_on` specifies another job (or job id) that must complete before this
job will be queued.
* `id` allows you to manually specify this job's id
* `description` to add additional description to the job
* `connection`
* `status`
* `origin`
* `meta` a dictionary holding custom status information on this job
* `args` and `kwargs`: use these to explicitly pass arguments and keyword to the
underlying job function. This is useful if your function happens to have
conflicting argument names with RQ, for example `description` or `ttl`.
In the last case, if you want to pass `description` and `ttl` keyword arguments
to your job and not to RQ's enqueue function, this is what you do:
job = Job.create(count_words_at_url,
ttl=30, # This ttl will be used by RQ
'description': 'Function description', # This is passed on to count_words_at_url
'ttl': 15 # This is passed on to count_words_at_url function
## Retrieving a Job from Redis
All job information is stored in Redis. You can inspect a job and its attributes
by using `Job.fetch()`.
@ -23,11 +97,15 @@ print('Status: %s' % job.get_status())
Some interesting job attributes include:
* `job.get_status()`
* `job.get_status()` Possible values are `queued`, `started`, `deferred`, `finished`, and `failed`
* `job.func_name`
* `job.args`
* `job.kwargs`
* `job.result`
* `job.args` arguments passed to the underlying job function
* `job.kwargs` key word arguments passed to the underlying job function
* `job.result` The return value of the function. Initially, right after enqueueing
a job, the return value will be None. But when the job has been executed, and had
a return value or exception, this will return that value or exception.
Return values written back to Redis will expire according to the `result_ttl` parameter
of the job (500 seconds by default).
* `job.enqueued_at`
* `job.started_at`
* `job.ended_at`
@ -41,10 +119,11 @@ for job in jobs:
print('Job %s: %s' % (job.id, job.func_name))
## Accessing The "current" Job
Since job functions are regular Python functions, you have to ask RQ for the
current job ID, if any. To do this, you can use:
## Accessing The "current" Job from within the job function
Since job functions are regular Python functions, you must retrieve the
job in order to inspect or update the job's attributes. To do this from within
the function, you can use:
from rq import get_current_job
@ -55,6 +134,8 @@ def add(x, y):
return x + y
Note that calling get_current_job() outside of the context of a job function will return `None`.
## Storing arbitrary data on jobs
@ -82,15 +163,22 @@ def add(x, y):
_New in version 0.4.7._
A job has two TTLs, one for the job result and one for the job itself. This means that if you have
job that shouldn't be executed after a certain amount of time, you can define a TTL as such:
A job has two TTLs, one for the job result, `result_ttl`, and one for the job itself, `ttl`.
The latter is used if you have a job that shouldn't be executed after a certain amount of time.
# When creating the job:
job = Job.create(func=say_hello, ttl=43)
job = Job.create(func=say_hello,
result_ttl=600, # how long (in seconds) to keep the job (if successful) and its results
ttl=43, # maximum queued time (in seconds) of the job before it's discarded.
# or when queueing a new job:
job = q.enqueue(count_words_at_url, 'http://nvie.com', ttl=43)
job = q.enqueue(count_words_at_url,
result_ttl=600, # how long to keep the job (if successful) and its results
ttl=43 # maximum queued time
