@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ to perform inside web processes.
To start crunching work, simply start a worker from the root of your project
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker high normal low
*** Listening for work on high, normal, low
Got send_newsletter('me@nvie.com') from default
Job ended normally without result
*** Listening for work on high, normal, low
{% endhighlight %}
Workers will read jobs from the given queues (the order is important) in an
endless loop, waiting for new work to arrive when all jobs are done.
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ new work when they run out of work. Workers can also be started in _burst
mode_ to finish all currently available work and quit as soon as all given
queues are emptied.
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker --burst high normal low
*** Listening for work on high, normal, low
Got send_newsletter('me@nvie.com') from default
Job ended normally without result
No more work, burst finished.
Registering death.
{% endhighlight %}
This can be useful for batch work that needs to be processed periodically, or
just to scale up your workers temporarily during peak periods.
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ yourself before starting the work loop.
To do this, provide your own worker script (instead of using `rq worker`).
A simple implementation example:
{% highlight python %}
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from rq import Connection, Worker
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ with Connection():
w = Worker(qs)
{% endhighlight %}
### Worker names
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ starting the worker, using the `--name` option.
`Worker` instances store their runtime information in Redis. Here's how to
retrieve them:
{% highlight python %}
from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue, Worker
@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ workers = Worker.all(connection=redis)
# Returns all workers in this queue (new in version 0.10.0)
queue = Queue('queue_name')
workers = Worker.all(queue=queue)
{% endhighlight %}
_New in version 0.10.0._
If you only want to know the number of workers for monitoring purposes, using
`Worker.count()` is much more performant.
{% highlight python %}
from redis import Redis
from rq import Worker
@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ workers = Worker.count(connection=redis)
# Count the number of workers for a specific queue
queue = Queue('queue_name', connection=redis)
workers = Worker.all(queue=queue)
{% endhighlight %}
### Worker statistics
@ -180,14 +179,14 @@ _New in version 0.9.0._
If you want to check the utilization of your queues, `Worker` instances
store a few useful information:
{% highlight python %}
from rq.worker import Worker
worker = Worker.find_by_key('rq:worker:name')
worker.successful_job_count # Number of jobs finished successfully
worker.failed_job_count. # Number of failed jobs processed by this worker
worker.total_working_time # Number of time spent executing jobs
{% endhighlight %}
## Taking down workers
@ -209,7 +208,7 @@ If you'd like to configure `rq worker` via a configuration file instead of
through command line arguments, you can do this by creating a Python file like
{% highlight python %}
REDIS_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/1'
# You can also specify the Redis DB to use
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ SENTRY_DSN = 'sync+http://public:secret@example.com/1'
# If you want custom worker name
# NAME = 'worker-1024'
{% endhighlight %}
The example above shows all the options that are currently supported.
@ -236,9 +235,9 @@ _Note: The_ `QUEUES` _and_ `REDIS_PASSWORD` _settings are new since 0.3.3._
To specify which module to read settings from, use the `-c` option:
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker -c settings
{% endhighlight %}
## Custom worker classes
@ -255,9 +254,9 @@ more common requests so far are:
You can use the `-w` option to specify a different worker class to use:
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker -w 'path.to.GeventWorker'
{% endhighlight %}
## Custom Job and Queue classes
@ -267,15 +266,15 @@ _Will be available in next release._
You can tell the worker to use a custom class for jobs and queues using
`--job-class` and/or `--queue-class`.
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker --job-class 'custom.JobClass' --queue-class 'custom.QueueClass'
{% endhighlight %}
Don't forget to use those same classes when enqueueing the jobs.
For example:
{% highlight python %}
from rq import Queue
from rq.job import Job
@ -287,14 +286,14 @@ class CustomQueue(Queue):
queue = CustomQueue('default', connection=redis_conn)
{% endhighlight %}
## Custom DeathPenalty classes
When a Job times-out, the worker will try to kill it using the supplied
`death_penalty_class` (default: `UnixSignalDeathPenalty`). This can be overridden
if you wish to attempt to kill jobs in an application specific or 'cleaner' manner.
if you wish to attempt to kill jobs in an application specific or 'cleaner' manner.
DeathPenalty classes are constructed with the following arguments
`BaseDeathPenalty(timeout, JobTimeoutException, job_id=job.id)`
@ -307,9 +306,9 @@ _New in version 0.5.5._
If you need to handle errors differently for different types of jobs, or simply want to customize
RQ's default error handling behavior, run `rq worker` using the `--exception-handler` option:
{% highlight console %}
$ rq worker --exception-handler 'path.to.my.ErrorHandler'
# Multiple exception handlers is also supported
$ rq worker --exception-handler 'path.to.my.ErrorHandler' --exception-handler 'another.ErrorHandler'
{% endhighlight %}