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Check and return list of new available tool versions
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DistURL,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ManifestLink,
[string] $VersionFilterToInclude,
[string] $VersionFilterToExclude,
[UInt32] $RetryIntervalSec = 60,
[UInt32] $RetryCount = 3
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "helpers.psm1")
function Get-VersionsByUrl {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToolPackagesUrl,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [UInt32] $RetryIntervalSec,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [UInt32] $RetryCount
$packages = Invoke-RestMethod $ToolPackagesUrl -MaximumRetryCount $RetryCount -RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec
return $packages.version
Write-Host "Get the packages list from $DistURL"
$versionsFromDist = Get-VersionsByUrl -ToolPackagesUrl $DistURL `
-RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec `
-RetryCount $RetryCount
Write-Host "Get the packages list from $ManifestLink"
[Version[]] $versionsFromManifest = Get-VersionsByUrl -ToolPackagesUrl $ManifestLink `
-RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec `
-RetryCount $RetryCount
[Version[]] $formattedVersions = Format-Versions -Versions $versionsFromDist
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VersionFilterToInclude))) {
$formattedVersions = Filter-Versions -Versions $formattedVersions `
-VersionFilter $VersionFilterToInclude `
-IncludeVersions $true
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VersionFilterToExclude))) {
$formattedVersions = Filter-Versions -Versions $formattedVersions `
-VersionFilter $VersionFilterToExclude `
-IncludeVersions $false
$versionsToBuild = Get-VersionsToBuild -VersionsFromManifest $versionsFromManifest `
-VersionsFromDist $formattedVersions
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($versionsToBuild)) {
Write-Host "There isn't versions to build"
return $null
} else {
Write-Host "The following versions are available to build:`n$versionsToBuild"
return "$versionsToBuild"