@ -6,23 +6,28 @@ Pester extension that allows to run command and validate exit code
function Get-CommandResult {
param (
Param (
[string] $Command,
[switch] $Multiline
# Bash trick to suppress and show error output because some commands write to stderr (for example, "python --version")
$stdout = & bash -c "$Command 2>&1"
# CMD trick to suppress and show error output because some commands write to stderr (for example, "python --version")
If ($IsWindows) {
[string[]]$output = & $env:comspec /c "$Command 2>&1"
} else {
$output = & bash -c "$Command 2>&1"
return @{
Output = If ($Multiline -eq $true) { $stdout } else { [string]$stdout }
Output = If ($Multiline -eq $true) { $output } else { [string]$output }
ExitCode = $exitCode
function ShouldReturnZeroExitCode {
[String] $ActualValue,
[string] $ActualValue,
[switch] $Negate,
[string] $Because # This parameter is unused by we need it to match Pester asserts signature