Merge branch 'master' into al-cheb/slack-notification
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#Requires -Modules Pester
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "helpers.psm1") -Force
Describe "Validate-FiltersFormat" {
It "Filter with word" {
{ Validate-FiltersFormat -Filters @("1two.2") } | Should -Throw "Invalid filter format"
It "Filter with non-word character" {
{ Validate-FiltersFormat -Filters @("1,.2") } | Should -Throw "Invalid filter format"
It "Valid filters" {
{ Validate-FiltersFormat -Filters @("*", "1", "1.*", "1.2", "1.2.*") } | Should -Not -Throw "Invalid filter format"
Describe "Format-Versions" {
It "Clean versions" {
$actualOutput = Format-Versions -Versions @("14.2.0", "1.14.0")
$expectedOutput = @("14.2.0", "1.14.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Versions with prefixes" {
$actualOutput = Format-Versions -Versions @("v14.2.0", "go1.14.0")
$expectedOutput = @("14.2.0", "1.14.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Skip beta and rc versions" {
$actualOutput = Format-Versions -Versions @("14.2.0-beta", "v1.14.0-rc-1")
$expectedOutput = @()
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Short version" {
$actualOutput = Format-Versions -Versions @("14.2", "v2.0")
$expectedOutput = @("14.2.0", "2.0.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Skip versions with 1 digit" {
$actualOutput = Format-Versions -Versions @("14", "v2")
$expectedOutput = @()
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
Describe "Select-VersionsByFilter" {
$inputVersions = @("8.2.1", "9.3.3", "10.0.2", "10.0.3", "10.5.6", "12.4.3", "12.5.1", "14.2.0")
It "Include filter only" {
$includeFilters = @("8.*", "14.*")
$excludeFilters = @()
$actualOutput = Select-VersionsByFilter -Versions $inputVersions -IncludeFilters $includeFilters -ExcludeFilters $excludeFilters
$expectedOutput = @("8.2.1", "14.2.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Include and exclude filters" {
$includeFilters = @("10.*", "12.*")
$excludeFilters = @("10.0.*", "12.4.3")
$actualOutput = Select-VersionsByFilter -Versions $inputVersions -IncludeFilters $includeFilters -ExcludeFilters $excludeFilters
$expectedOutput = @("10.5.6", "12.5.1")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Exclude filter only" {
$includeFilters = @()
$excludeFilters = @("10.*", "12.*")
$actualOutput = Select-VersionsByFilter -Versions $inputVersions -IncludeFilters $includeFilters -ExcludeFilters $excludeFilters
$expectedOutput = @("8.2.1", "9.3.3", "14.2.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
It "Include and exclude filters are empty" {
$actualOutput = Select-VersionsByFilter -Versions $inputVersions
$expectedOutput = @("8.2.1", "9.3.3", "10.0.2", "10.0.3", "10.5.6", "12.4.3", "12.5.1", "14.2.0")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
Describe "Skip-ExistingVersions" {
It "Substract versions correctly" {
$distInput = @("14.2.0", "14.3.0", "14.4.0", "14.4.1")
$manifestInput = @("12.0.0", "14.2.0", "14.4.0")
$actualOutput = Skip-ExistingVersions -VersionsFromDist $distInput -VersionsFromManifest $manifestInput
$expectedOutput = @("14.3.0", "14.4.1")
$actualOutput | Should -Be $expectedOutput
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Check and return list of new available tool versions
Required parameter. Link to the json file included all available tool versions
.PARAMETER ManifestLink
Required parameter. Link to the the version-manifest.json file
.PARAMETER VersionFilterToInclude
Optional parameter. List of filters to include particular versions
.PARAMETER VersionFilterToExclude
Optional parameter. List of filters to exclude particular versions
.PARAMETER RetryIntervalSec
Optional parameter. Retry interval in seconds
Optional parameter. Retry count
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DistURL,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ManifestLink,
[string[]] $VersionFilterToInclude,
[string[]] $VersionFilterToExclude,
[UInt32] $RetryIntervalSec = 60,
[UInt32] $RetryCount = 3
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "helpers.psm1")
function Get-VersionsByUrl {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToolPackagesUrl,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [UInt32] $RetryIntervalSec,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [UInt32] $RetryCount
$packages = Invoke-RestMethod $ToolPackagesUrl -MaximumRetryCount $RetryCount -RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec
return $packages.version
if ($VersionFilterToInclude) {
Validate-FiltersFormat -Filters $VersionFilterToInclude
if ($VersionFilterToExclude) {
Validate-FiltersFormat -Filters $VersionFilterToExclude
Write-Host "Get the packages list from $DistURL"
$versionsFromDist = Get-VersionsByUrl -ToolPackagesUrl $DistURL `
-RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec `
-RetryCount $RetryCount
Write-Host "Get the packages list from $ManifestLink"
[Version[]] $versionsFromManifest = Get-VersionsByUrl -ToolPackagesUrl $ManifestLink `
-RetryIntervalSec $RetryIntervalSec `
-RetryCount $RetryCount
[Version[]] $formattedVersions = Format-Versions -Versions $versionsFromDist
$formattedVersions = Select-VersionsByFilter -Versions $formattedVersions `
-IncludeFilters $VersionFilterToInclude `
-ExcludeFilters $VersionFilterToExclude
if (-not $formattedVersions) {
Write-Host "Couldn't find available versions with current filters"
exit 1
$versionsToBuild = Skip-ExistingVersions -VersionsFromManifest $versionsFromManifest `
-VersionsFromDist $formattedVersions
if ($versionsToBuild) {
$availableVersions = $versionsToBuild -join ","
Write-Host "The following versions are available to build:`n$availableVersions"
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TOOL_VERSIONS]$availableVersions"
} else {
Write-Host "There aren't versions to build"
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
function Validate-FiltersFormat {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Filters
foreach($filter in $Filters) {
$filter.Split('.') | ForEach-Object {
if (($_ -notmatch '^\d+$') -and ($_ -ne '*')) {
throw "Invalid filter format - $filter"
function Format-Versions {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Versions
[Version[]] $formattedVersions = @()
foreach($version in $Versions) {
# Cut a string from index of first digit because initially it has invalid format (v14.4.0 or go1.14.4)
if (-not ($version -match '(?<number>\d)')) {
Write-Host "Invalid version format - $version"
exit 1
$firstDigitIndex = $version.indexof($Matches.number)
$substredVersion = $version.substring($firstDigitIndex)
# Filter versions to exclude unstable (for example: "go1.15beta1")
# Valid version format: x.x or x.x.x
if ($substredVersion -notmatch '^\d+\.+\d+\.*\d*$') {
if ($substredVersion.Split(".").Length -lt 3) {
$formattedVersions += "$substredVersion.0"
} else {
$formattedVersions += $substredVersion
return $formattedVersions
function Select-VersionsByFilter {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [version[]] $Versions,
[string[]] $IncludeFilters,
[string[]] $ExcludeFilters
if ($IncludeFilters.Length -eq 0) {
$IncludeFilters = @('*')
return $Versions | Where-Object {
$ver = $_
$matchedIncludeFilters = $IncludeFilters | Where-Object { $ver -like $_ }
$matchedExcludeFilters = $ExcludeFilters | Where-Object { $ver -like $_ }
$matchedIncludeFilters -and (-not $matchedExcludeFilters)
function Skip-ExistingVersions {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $VersionsFromManifest,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $VersionsFromDist
return $VersionsFromDist | Where-Object { $VersionsFromManifest -notcontains $_ }
Reference in New Issue