param (
[Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $ManifestUrl,
[string] $AccessToken
$Global:validationFailed = $false
$authorizationHeaderValue = "Basic $AccessToken"
$webRequestHeaders = @{}
if ($AccessToken) {
$webRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $authorizationHeaderValue)
function Publish-Error {
[string] $ErrorDescription,
[object] $Exception
echo "::error ::$ErrorDescription"
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Exception))
Write-Output "Exception: $Exception"
$Global:validationFailed = $true
function Test-DownloadUrl {
param([string] $DownloadUrl)
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($DownloadUrl)
if ($AccessToken) {
$request.Headers.Add("Authorization", $authorizationHeaderValue)
try {
$response = $request.GetResponse()
return ([int]$response.StatusCode -eq 200)
} catch {
return $false
Write-Host "Downloading manifest json from '$ManifestUrl'..."
try {
$manifestResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $ManifestUrl -Headers $webRequestHeaders
} catch {
Publish-Error "Unable to download manifest json from '$ManifestUrl'" $_
exit 1
Write-Host "Parsing manifest json content from '$ManifestUrl'..."
try {
$manifestJson = $manifestResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
} catch {
Publish-Error "Unable to parse manifest json content '$ManifestUrl'" $_
exit 1
$versionsList = $manifestJson.version
Write-Host "Found versions: $($versionsList -join ', ')"
$manifestJson | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Validating version '$($_.version)'..."
$_.files | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host " Validating '$($_.download_url)'..."
if (-not (Test-DownloadUrl $_.download_url)) {
Publish-Error "Url '$($_.download_url)' is invalid"
if ($Global:validationFailed) {
exit 1