The execute command and print all output to the logs
function Execute-Command {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $Command
Write-Debug "Execute $Command"
try {
Invoke-Expression $Command | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Exit code: $LASTEXITCODE"}
catch {
$errorMessage = "Error happened during command execution: $Command `n $_"
Write-Host $errorMessage
if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne "Continue") {
# avoid logging Azure DevOps issues in case of $ErrorActionPreference -eq Continue
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error;] $errorMessage"
Download file from url and return local path to file
function Download-File {
$targetFilename = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($Uri)
$targetFilepath = Join-Path $OutputFolder $targetFilename
Write-Debug "Download source from $Uri to $OutFile"
try {
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($Uri, $targetFilepath)
return $targetFilepath
} catch {
Write-Host "Error during downloading file from '$Uri'"
exit 1
Generate file that contains the list of all files in particular directory
function New-ToolStructureDump {
$outputFile = Join-Path $OutputFolder "tools_structure.txt"
$folderContent = Get-ChildItem -Path $ToolPath -Recurse | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Property FullName, Length
$folderContent | ForEach-Object {
$relativePath = $_.FullName.Replace($ToolPath, "");
return "${relativePath}"
} | Out-File -FilePath $outputFile
Check if it is macOS / Ubuntu platform
function IsNixPlatform {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
return ($Platform -match "macos") -or ($Platform -match "darwin") -or ($Platform -match "ubuntu") -or ($Platform -match "linux")
Get root directory of selected tool
function GetToolDirectory {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($targetPath)) {
# GitHub Windows images don't have `AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY` variable
$targetPath = $env:RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE
$ToolcachePath = Join-Path -Path $targetPath -ChildPath $ToolName
$ToolcacheVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $ToolcachePath -ChildPath $Version
return Join-Path $ToolcacheVersionPath $Architecture