import * as cache from "@actions/cache" ;
import * as core from "@actions/core" ;
import { Events , RefKey } from "../src/constants" ;
import * as actionUtils from "../src/utils/actionUtils" ;
import * as testUtils from "../src/utils/testUtils" ;
jest . mock ( "@actions/core" ) ;
jest . mock ( "@actions/cache" ) ;
beforeAll ( ( ) = > {
jest . spyOn ( core , "getInput" ) . mockImplementation ( ( name , options ) = > {
return jest . requireActual ( "@actions/core" ) . getInput ( name , options ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( ( ) = > {
delete process . env [ Events . Key ] ;
delete process . env [ RefKey ] ;
} ) ;
test ( "isGhes returns true if server url is not" , ( ) = > {
try {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = "" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isGhes ( ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} finally {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = undefined ;
} ) ;
test ( "isGhes returns false when server url is" , ( ) = > {
try {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = "" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isGhes ( ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} finally {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = undefined ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with undefined cache key returns false" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-rust" ;
const cacheKey = undefined ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with empty cache key returns false" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-rust" ;
const cacheKey = "" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with different keys returns false" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-rust" ;
const cacheKey = "linux-" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with different key accents returns false" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-áccent" ;
const cacheKey = "linux-accent" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with same key returns true" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-rust" ;
const cacheKey = "linux-rust" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isExactKeyMatch with same key and different casing returns true" , ( ) = > {
const key = "linux-rust" ;
const cacheKey = "LINUX-RUST" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isExactKeyMatch ( key , cacheKey ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "logWarning logs a message with a warning prefix" , ( ) = > {
const message = "A warning occurred." ;
const infoMock = jest . spyOn ( core , "info" ) ;
actionUtils . logWarning ( message ) ;
expect ( infoMock ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( ` [warning] ${ message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isValidEvent returns false for event that does not have a branch or tag" , ( ) = > {
const event = "foo" ;
process . env [ Events . Key ] = event ;
const isValidEvent = actionUtils . isValidEvent ( ) ;
expect ( isValidEvent ) . toBe ( false ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isValidEvent returns true for event that has a ref" , ( ) = > {
const event = Events . Push ;
process . env [ Events . Key ] = event ;
process . env [ RefKey ] = "ref/heads/feature" ;
const isValidEvent = actionUtils . isValidEvent ( ) ;
expect ( isValidEvent ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray returns empty array if not required and missing" , ( ) = > {
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray throws error if required and missing" , ( ) = > {
expect ( ( ) = >
actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" , { required : true } )
) . toThrowError ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray handles single line correctly" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "bar" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [ "bar" ] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray handles multiple lines correctly" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "bar\nbaz" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [ "bar" , "baz" ] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray handles different new lines correctly" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "bar\r\nbaz" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [ "bar" , "baz" ] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray handles empty lines correctly" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "\n\nbar\n\nbaz\n\n" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [ "bar" , "baz" ] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsArray removes spaces after ! at the beginning" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput (
"foo" ,
"! bar\n! baz\n! qux\n!quux\ncorge\ngrault! garply\n!\r\t waldo"
) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsArray ( "foo" ) ) . toEqual ( [
"!bar" ,
"!baz" ,
"!qux" ,
"!quux" ,
"corge" ,
"grault! garply" ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsInt returns undefined if input not set" , ( ) = > {
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsInt ( "undefined" ) ) . toBeUndefined ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsInt returns value if input is valid" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "8" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsInt ( "foo" ) ) . toBe ( 8 ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsInt returns undefined if input is invalid or NaN" , ( ) = > {
testUtils . setInput ( "foo" , "bar" ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . getInputAsInt ( "foo" ) ) . toBeUndefined ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "getInputAsInt throws if required and value missing" , ( ) = > {
expect ( ( ) = >
actionUtils . getInputAsInt ( "undefined" , { required : true } )
) . toThrowError ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isCacheFeatureAvailable for ac enabled" , ( ) = > {
jest . spyOn ( cache , "isFeatureAvailable" ) . mockImplementation ( ( ) = > true ) ;
expect ( actionUtils . isCacheFeatureAvailable ( ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "isCacheFeatureAvailable for ac disabled on GHES" , ( ) = > {
jest . spyOn ( cache , "isFeatureAvailable" ) . mockImplementation ( ( ) = > false ) ;
const message = ` Cache action is only supported on GHES version >= 3.5. If you are on version >=3.5 Please check with GHES admin if Actions cache service is enabled or not.
Otherwise please upgrade to GHES version >= 3.5 and If you are also using Github Connect , please unretire the actions / cache namespace before upgrade ( see https : //`;
const infoMock = jest . spyOn ( core , "info" ) ;
try {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = "" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isCacheFeatureAvailable ( ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
expect ( infoMock ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( ` [warning] ${ message } ` ) ;
} finally {
delete process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] ;
} ) ;
test ( "isCacheFeatureAvailable for ac disabled on dotcom" , ( ) = > {
jest . spyOn ( cache , "isFeatureAvailable" ) . mockImplementation ( ( ) = > false ) ;
const message =
"An internal error has occurred in cache backend. Please check for any ongoing issue in actions." ;
const infoMock = jest . spyOn ( core , "info" ) ;
try {
process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] = "" ;
expect ( actionUtils . isCacheFeatureAvailable ( ) ) . toBe ( false ) ;
expect ( infoMock ) . toHaveBeenCalledWith ( ` [warning] ${ message } ` ) ;
} finally {
delete process . env [ "GITHUB_SERVER_URL" ] ;
} ) ;